Ways You Can Clean Up Around The House


Rooforia has created a list of ways you can clean up your homes exterior and yard when you are stuck around the house! We hope this helps keep you busy and helps with your spring cleaning!

  1. Clean Up The Yard - There is no better time to clean up your yard!

  2. Clean Out Your Gutters - This will not only prevent water leaks and damage but it will also save you money in the long run.

  3. Touch Up Your Front Door With A Fresh Coat Of Paint - Sometimes just a coat of paint can do some magic! Touch up your front door with some paint or paint it a new color!

  4. Paint A Wall - Same with your front door. Touch up or paint an exterior wall on your back patio or sun room to add that extra vibrant touch!

  5. Finally Fix That Broken Door Knob Or Lose Tile - Now that the weather is warmer, you can get outside and fix that door knob you have been meaning to do!

  6. Change Old Light Bulbs - A brighter house can do wonders for your home. It can show off your newly remodeled home’s exterior and it will also make it easier for guests to see your home.

  7. Trim Your Trees - Trimming your trees not only improves your curb appeal, but it will prevent branches from falling on your home during a spring storm.

  8. Sweep Your Garage Out - There is no better way to start a new slate then by completely power washing and sweeping out your garage floor!

  9. Take Down Your Christmas Lights (If You Haven’t Already) - We understand, it happens! Now that it is warmer out you can safely take your lights down. But be careful on that ladder!

  10. Make A List Of Home Exterior Projects You Want To Complete - Not cleaning related but we know you probably have thought a ton over the cold winter months on what you want to do to your home! Make a list and some goals to get it done by the end of the year!

  11. Clean The Inside & Outside Of Your Propane Grill - Not only will this make your food taste better, but a clean looking grill will look great from the street and impress your guests!

  12. Scrub Clean Your Patio Furniture - Now that the threat of snow is gone, you can think about inviting some guests over for a BBQ. But first, cleaning and scrubbing down your patio furniture would be a great Saturday project!

  13. Prune & Mulch Your Garden - It’s time to trim those dead branches off your bushes, trim back your dead plants and begin to think about what kind of mulch you want to lay out in your garden!

  14. Powerwash Your Driveway & Deck - Power wash off all of the dirt and salt from the winter!

If you have more ideas, we would love to hear them!

Sarah Smith