Benefits of Solar Panels

Can solar panels protect my roof?

Solar panels can protect your home from the harsh elements outside. Solar panels that are placed on the roof help keep the roof cool from the harsh rays of the sun. They do this by absorbing the sunlight that would otherwise fall directly onto the roof. (see our summer heat blog post for more information on how heat can affects your roof materials) There is also a space between the panels and the roof where air can flow to help keep your roof cool underneath the panels. Solar panels not only provide powerful energy for your home, but  according to a study done by UC San Diego, they can help reduce the temperature inside the home 35% or more. 

Solar panels not only will protect your roof from heat, but weather as well. Snow, hail and even wind and rain can cause damage to a roof over the years. Resulting in the need for roof repairs or even a new roof. The solar panels can act like a protective shield over the roof, keeping the roof safer from falling limbs and debris during a storm. This can help your roof last longer than it would without the panels.

 In addition to protecting your roof If you plan to sell your home in the future, a solar installation can be a great help. With more people looking to ‘go green’ today than ever before, knowing that a property owner has invested in solar power can be a major advantage, and can double the value of your roof (or more!). 

Is my home a good candidate for solar panels? 

Omaha and Lincoln both have high sun exposures, making homes in those areas great candidates for solar panels! As for sun exposure in Omaha, every included panels receive at least 75% of the maximum annual sun in the county. For Omaha, the threshold is 1,063 kWh/kW. And Lincoln is about the same, every included panel receives at least 75% of the maximum annual sun in the county. For Lincoln, the threshold is 1,083 kWh/kW.

Use project sunroof to see more information on how solar panels could benefit your home:


If you have a roof which has seen better days or want to talk more about your solar panel options, call us for a complimentary inspection at
